Attack on Iranian embassy violated int’l rules: Chinese FM

Attack on Iranian embassy violated int’l rules: Chinese FM
News code : ۱۴۶۹۷۲۲

​China has reiterated its stance on the latest developments in the West Asia region and once again condemned the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus, calling it the violation of international principles and rules.

According to IRNA, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi issued the condemnation in a phone call with his Iranian counterpart, Hossein Amirabdollahian to discuss regional issues and the expansion of bilateral relations between Tehran and Beijing.

Amirabdollahian informed Wang about the diplomatic efforts and the legitimate action taken by Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps against the arrogance of the Israeli regime and the targeting of the country's embassy in Damascus.

We have clearly warned the United States that if the Zionist regime dares repeat terrorist attacks against Iran's interests and security, Tehran's response and next action will be decisive, immediate and extensive, he continued.

During the talks, the top Chinese diplomat also explained his country's positions regarding the developments in the region and said “China strongly condemned the attack on the Iranian embassy which violated international principles and rules”.

"We have always supported the just demands of the Islamic Republic in the Security Council, although we have witnessed the US government's obstructions and double standards of Western countries in condemning the Israeli regime’s actions," Wang said.

The Chinese Foreign Minister recalled that he had informed the US secretary of State on the phone of the principled positions of the Iranian side and has always emphasized peace in the region and the establishment of a ceasefire in Gaza.

China and the Iran are strategic partners, and Beijing attaches great importance to Tehran's position in all fields, Wang emphasized.
