American expert: World War III has begun

American expert: World War III has begun
News code : ۱۲۹۱۷۳۳

The American economist, Nouriel Roubini, who predicted the 2008 crisis, declared that World War III had already begun.

In an interview with the German newspaper, Spiegel, he said: "National security advisers are expressing concern about NATO's interference in the Ukrainian conflict, and we are also witnessing sharp differences in relations between Iran and Israel. I read in the morning that the Biden administration expects that China will attack Taiwan soon. Frankly, the third world war has already started, and its work is spreading in the cyber field and in Ukraine.”

The expert added that when he was in Italy in the seventies of the last century, he did not have to "worry about a war between major countries or a nuclear winter", and did not hear the terms "climate change" and "a global pandemic". "Now I have to worry about all these things, like everyone else," he said.


