Iran voices readiness to help establish peace in Afghanistan

Iran voices readiness to help establish peace in Afghanistan
News code : ۹۶۸۸۶۳

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, in a telephone conversation with the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan Mohammad Hanif Atmar stressed the readiness of the Islamic Republic of Iran for any kind of assistance to the peace process in Afghanistan.

In the telephone conversation, Zarif, while expressing satisfaction with the holding of inter-Afghan talks, discussed the latest status of the peace talks and the role of neighboring countries in it.

Ali Rabiei, Iran's government spokesman, says that Tehran welcomes peace talks between Afghanistan's government, political groups, and Taliban while expressing hope that the negotiations will result in permanent peace and stability in Afghanistan and the region.

Speaking to IP on the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's presence in the new round of Afghanistan peace talks in Doha, Qatar, and the US defined role to Taliban, Rabiei reiterated that Trump's administration is not concerned about the future of Afghanistan but its focus is to win the upcoming presidential elections in November.

The two sides also discussed bilateral relations in various fields based on the comprehensive strategic cooperation document.

The first round of intra-Afghan talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban militant group officially kicked off on Saturday in the Qatari capital Doha.

