Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman’s take on discovery of mass graves at Nasser Hospital in Gaza

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman’s take on discovery of mass graves at Nasser Hospital in Gaza
News code : ۱۴۷۱۹۶۵

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani has reacted to the discovery of mass graves at Gaza’s Nasser Hospital.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani has reacted to the discovery of mass graves at Gaza’s Nasser Hospital.

Kanaani said the horrifying and heartwrenching news of the massacre and the mass and secret burial of hundreds of patients as well as the wounded and medical staff of Nasser Hospital in the vicinity of this hospital in the Gaza Strip has caused astonishment and sadness among world people.

The Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed that international humanitarian laws, especially the 1949 Geneva Conventions support medical centers and  hospitals, saying the damning evidence proves that the Israeli regime and the Zionist perpetrators of this crime are responsible for the atrocities. Kanaani added that the issue of mass graves also implicates the governments that notoriously support the regime.

The spokesman said, the frequent, organized and widespread crimes of the Zionist regime against the residents of the Gaza Strip are gross examples of genocide and war crimes, and the international community as well as world bodies are responsible to deal with the impunity of the perpetrators and orchestrators of those crimes.

Kanaani added that the Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemns this horrible tragedy and calls on the secretary general of the United Nations, the rotating head of the UN Security Council and all countries and responsible members of the international community to condemn the crime as well and use their national, regional and international capacities to prosecute the perpetrators of the crime and get their judiciaries to investigate it.

