Human rights are a tool for Westerners: MP

Iran’s Member of Parliament, Abolfazl Abu Torabi, has said that for Westerners, human rights are a dual policy and a tool, and they play with this dual and contradictory card.
In an exclusive interview with ILNA, Abolfazl Abu Torabi said that we are witnessing that on the one hand, the Palestinians, who are the ultimate oppressed, obey the laws, and on the other hand, the Zionists violate all international laws and fight with weapons that violate human rights.
He added that the issue of human rights is a double standard for Westerners; whenever they want to condemn and embargo a country, they use human rights as a tool.
In fact, wherever it is in their interest, they use human rights, wherever it is not in their interest, they remain silent, and like today, they side with the Zionists and help them, he noted.
Islamic countries should think urgently about the Palestinian issue, he said, adding that for Westerners, human rights are a dual policy and a tool, and they use this dual-use card.