P4+1, Iran to continue nuclear talks

P4+1, Iran to continue nuclear talks
News code : ۱۰۶۴۷۶۱

The Joint Commission of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action including representatives of P4+1 (the UK, France, Russia, China plus Germany) will go ahead with consultations today (Sunday) at different levels.

According to mfa.gov.ir, the delegations are going to hold negotiations at different formats and levels on the revival of the JCPOA in Vienna, Austria.

On Saturday, the negotiators from Iran and the P4+1 group held bilateral and multilateral talks in addition to the Joint Commission meeting.

Iran's top nuclear negotiator Abbas Araghchi and Deputy Secretary-General of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Action Enrique Mora held three meetings to push forward negotiations on the JCPOA.

Moreover, chairmen of three European delegations held a meeting with Araghchi.

Meetings on expert-level on sanctions and nuclear issues were held like previous ones.

During the Saturday meeting of the Joint Commission, the participants received and reviewed reports of expert groups; then, they decided to hold bilateral and multilateral talks as well technical consultations in next days and if needed, the Joint Commission can hold another meeting.

