Iran lodges protest with ambassador of Kuwait

Iran lodges protest with ambassador of Kuwait
News code : ۱۴۵۱۵۳۲

An aide to Iran’s foreign minister and the director general of the ministry’s Persian Gulf Department has lodged an official protest with the Kuwaiti ambassador to Tehran over the Arab country’s recent controversial statements and unilateral claims.

Mohammad Alibek met with Badr Abdullah al-Munikh, the Ambassador of the Kuwaiti Government in Tehran on Thursday to inform him of Iran’s dissatisfaction with his country’s approach.

Making unilateral claims in various statements and media cannot be a step forward to solve this case and will not create any rights for the party expressing these views, Alibek said, referring to recent statements regarding the Arash gas field.

In this meeting, the Iranian official said that Tehran believes that an agreement on this issue can be reached in an atmosphere of cooperation and respect for common interests not by making unilateral claims in statements and the media.

Alibek also emphasized Iran’s readiness to begin a new round of talks with the Kuwaiti government to reach a mutually satisfactory solution on the Arash field.

The beginning of the dispute between Iran and Kuwait over the Arash field goes back to the lack of delineation of the maritime boundary between the two countries.
