EU calls for political decisions in Vienna talks

EU calls for political decisions in Vienna talks
News code : ۱۱۸۹۰۶۱

European Union coordinator for negotiations in Vienna said on Friday that political decisions are needed now.

The eighth round of Vienna talks for lifting sanctions is underway with the presence of Iranian delegations and the P4+1 group (Germany, France, Britain, Russia, and China) in Vienna, the capital of Austria.

Lifting sanctions, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) commitments, ensuring guarantees, and verification were the pillars of the negotiations.

"The 8th round of the #ViennaTalks #JCPOA, which started 27 December, so far the longest, takes a break", deputy EU foreign policy chief Enrique Mora wrote on his Twitter account on Friday.

He added that participants would go back to the capital for consultations and instructions to come back next week.

"Political decisions are needed now. Safe travels to all participants", he noted.

