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Home of Happy Life
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General Secretary Kim Jong Un attends Ground-breaking Ceremony for Building 10000 Flats at Third Stage in Hwasong Area, Pyongyang

-Kim Jong Un and His Determination

 On January 1, 2024, the Rodong Sinmun, organ of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, carried a photo which Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the WPK, had taken with members of the central leadership body of the Party holding the red flag of the Party.

 Before having the photo taken with them, he said: More assignments are still piled up before us. The work we have done so far is trifle and little in consideration of the happy life and future of the people we aspire to. I am determined to do more for the good of the people.

 Looking back, all his decisions have been oriented to working for his people and for their brighter future.

 Typical examples are the following: construction of 50 000 flats in the capital city for five years by building 10 000 every year, bringing about a new era of rural rejuvenation by undertaking rural housing construction on a nationwide scale, and supplying fresh vegetables to the people all the year round by building a large-scale greenhouse farm in each province.

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At the Tenth Session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly held on January 15, Kim Jong Un expressed a bold determination for Regional Development 20×10 Policy. When the policy is implemented, modern regional-industry factories would be built in 20 counties every year for ten years, so as to raise to a higher stage the basic material and cultural living standards of the people in all cities and counties. He also expressed his will to have the Pyongyang General Hospital completed and inaugurated this year and have a general hospital built in Kangwon Province at the same time and a similar hospital built in other provinces every year in the future in order to enable all the people to receive advanced medical service.

 Kim Jong Un unconditionally carries out his determinations he makes before the people no matter what happens.

 Two rounds of building 10 000 flats have been successfully carried out, and the third round is going on in the final stage. And construction of over   58 000 rural houses, which is more than twice that of 2022, has already been completed or will be finished by spring.

 As part of the effort to build large-scale greenhouse farms, such farms have already been built in North and South Hamgyong provinces respectively, and a similar farm in Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK, is nearing inauguration.

 In putting his determination into effect Kim Jong Un does not care about his personal security: once he gave field guidance at a construction site under heavy rain; at another time he was on a train running the railway line set on the temporary log-piled bridge pillars. Last year he took measures for the rehabilitation of embankment of the reclaimed tideland ruined by natural disaster while standing on a dangerous place and even going into a paddy field submerged as high as his waist.

 Now, whenever he sets a goal for the good of the people, not only the Korean people but also the people of the whole world are convinced that it will be translated into reality.


-Amazing: Housing Construction in DPRK

 Housing construction in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea draws attention of the world.

 What is surprising is the number of houses under construction on a large scale and the unusual construction speed.

 Over the past three years 10 000 flats have been built every year in the capital city of Pyongyang. Houses for 10 000 families in Songhwa Street, and the Pothong Riverside Terraced Houses District were built in 2022, and 10 000 flats in Hwasong Street and houses in the Taephyong area were inaugurated in 2023. And construction of another 10 000 flats in the Hwasong area and over  4 100 flats in the Sopho area, named Jonwi Street, are nearing completion.

Home of Happy Life

Housing construction has been accelerated in the countryside on a large scale, and more than 20 000 flats have been built in the Komdok area over the past four years. The houses built in rural villages across the country last year number over 58 000 flats, more than twice that of 2022.

 The modernity of buildings is also admirable.

 A few years ago, two architects from Serbia visited the DPRK and looked round the architectural structures in Pyongyang. They said that Pyongyang is the most perfect “model” city, praising the unique beauty of the country’s architecture that cannot be seen elsewhere in the world.

 In fact, the new streets and residential quarters built in the city over the past decade indicate that their practicality, diversity, connectivity and formative and artistic beauty have been realized on a high level.

 The same is the case with the new houses built in the regional areas. Those built in the Komdok area present a new landscape of the mountain gorge city, and the single-, low-storey and terraced houses built in different parts of the country add unusual beauty to the rural villages.

 What is more surprising is that all these houses were allocated free of charge to the working people.

 Two years ago when 10 000 flats in Songhwa Street and the Pothong Riverside Terraced Houses District were built in Pyongyang, websites in some foreign countries posted articles that read that it was unbelievable that the ordinary working people are provided free of charge with the luxury terraced houses, each of which cost millions of dollars.

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This is probably based on the view of the objective world that if such expensive houses are provided free of charge, the state will suffer a tremendous loss.

 However, such a view has nothing to do with the DPRK. On the contrary, it is an inviolable principle and policy of the activities of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the state that they would grow flowers even on a rock and spend a large sum of money without fail if it is for realizing the wish of the people.

 Thanks to this policy, the working people in the country move into new houses.

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This reality is unthinkable separated from the leadership of Kim Jong Un, President of the State Affairs of the DPRK.

 Now a project of building 50 000 flats in the capital city of Pyongyang and modern houses in the rural communities is under way in a planned way as indicated by the Eighth Congress of the WPK, and it is none other than    Kim Jong Un who conceived the plan.

 He chose the sites of new streets and residential quarters to be built in Pyongyang, and has gone over tens of thousands of their formation plans. He has attended ground-breaking ceremonies for the stage-by-stage construction of the houses, breaking ground and sometimes delivering speeches. And when a project is completed, he takes part in the inauguration ceremony, congratulating those who would move into new houses.

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 His wise leadership is bringing about the world-startling reality in the country.


-Another Salvo of Blasting in the Hwasong Area

 On February 23 a salvo of blasting resounded signalling the start of building 10 000 flats in the third stage in the Hwasong area, Pyongyang, the capital city of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. In retrospect, after the salvo of blasting each year, over the past three years 10 000 flats have been built every year without fail. In a year, another 10 000 flats will spring up in this area.

Home of Happy Life

Kim Jong Un, President of the State Affairs of the DPRK, personally pressed the button for the blasting.


