Under the Leadership of Great Brilliant Commander: DPRK

Under the Leadership of Great Brilliant Commander: DPRK
News code : ۱۴۵۳۳۷۸

General Secretary Kim Jong Un Guides Test-fire of Surface-to-Sea Missile Padasuri-6

-Kim Jong Un and the Korean People’s Army

 Kim Jong Un is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

 The Korean People’s Army owes its remarkable advancements to his seasoned art of command.

 In enhancing the KPA’s political, ideological, military and technical preparedness and equipping it in a modern fashion, he puts emphasis on achieving the service personnel’s unity based on tender feeling and obligation.

 He shows close concern for his soldiers, visiting wherever they are–units on far-flung islands, in rugged mountains and on the frontline–and taking all necessary steps to improve their living conditions with parental care.

 During his inspection trips he often has a chat with his men for long hours, sometimes having a photo taken with each one of them.

Under the Leadership of Great Brilliant Commander: DPRK

The photos he has taken with them exemplify their relations based on tender feeling and obligation.

 His affection for the service personnel finds expression in adding lustre to their exploits and ensuring them an eternal life.

 To cite an example, on November 1, 2013 he inspected a navy unit, 40 sailors of which had died when on duty. While looking at their photographic images carved on the tombstone, he learned that the tomb had no owner and offered to become the owner. Days after his inspection, with his name inscribed on the tombstone, a solemn funeral took place in front of the tomb.

 Impressed by such warm care, all the service personnel follow and support him as they would their own father, with the result that the KPA has become an integral whole of genuine comrades-in-arms who share purpose and will.

 Another notable feature of his military leadership is his focus on training the service personnel ideologically and spiritually.

 According to him, what is decisive of victory or loss in a war is not the technical specifications of the weapons and equipment an army has, but the ideology and purpose its service personnel pursue.

Under the Leadership of Great Brilliant Commander: DPRK

He makes sure that all the service personnel, fully aware of their basic mission, devote themselves to protecting their country and people against the hostile forces’ aggression and defending peace.

 Another point of note regarding his military leadership is his particular attention to equipping the country’s armed forces with up-to-date hardware.

 He often oversees high-risk tests of modern weapons and equipment on site, getting aboard a submarine or inspecting test-firing of latest weapons for long hours.

 This was how the KPA’s means of nuclear strike and latest strategic weapons saw the light of day, among them Hwasongpho-17, Hwasongpho-18 and other ICBMs capable of carrying nuclear warhead, Pukguksong-series SLBM, etc.

 In November last year the DPRK’s reconnaissance satellite entered orbit, enabling the KPA to keep a watchful eye on the hostile forces’ movements in the air, on the ground and at sea and respond immediately to any aggressive action.

Under the Leadership of Great Brilliant Commander: DPRK

 As widely known, the US-led forces have gone to unheard-of lengths to stifle socialist Korea–imposing harsh sanctions and blockade on an unprecedented scale by mobilizing military, economic and diplomatic means under their vicious policy towards the DPRK, and conducting a series of war exercises and aggravating tensions by deploying their nuclear assets in the Korean peninsula and the surrounding waters.

 All these manoeuvres, however, cut no ice.

 It will be worth mentioning that only a couple of years after its founding, the KPA was pitted against the US-led allied imperialist forces during the Korean war (1950-1953) and became the winner in this confrontation of rifle versus A-bomb.

 The present-day KPA is not what it was in those years, the current capabilities of which were demonstrated in the 2023 military parade held to mark its 75th anniversary.

 As recognized internationally, the US-led forces cannot overwhelm the DPRK, a country led by such an outstanding commander.


-Strengthening the Building of Its Strategic Nuclear Forces

 On January 28, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea conducted the test-firing of newly-developed submarine-launched strategic cruise missile Pulhwasal-3-31.

 The cruise missiles flew in the sky above the East Sea of Korea for 7 421s and 7 445s, respectively, accurately hitting the target island. It was of strategic significance in carrying out the plan for modernizing the Korean People’s Army, which aims at building a powerful naval force.

Under the Leadership of Great Brilliant Commander: DPRK

At present the DPRK is making an unprecedented progress in strengthening missile and nuclear forces.

 Recently, it developed mobile ICBM system by its own efforts, giving a vivid glimpse of its highly-developed defence industry.

 No one can deny that it ranks among the major military giants in terms of missile and nuclear weapons.


-Rapid Development of Its Naval Force

 The naval force of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has achieved rapid development of its own style. 

Under the Leadership of Great Brilliant Commander: DPRK

 As is known, last March, the naval force of the Korean People’s Army conducted an underwater launching drill of a submarine-launched strategic cruise missile in the East Sea of Korea and successfully conducted two tests of underwater strategic weapons, named nuclear unmanned underwater attack boat Haeil-1, whose mission it is to destroy the enemy’s fleets and major operation harbours by means of super-powerful radioactive tsunami by moving secretly to the operation waters and setting off the warhead underwater. In September, there was a ceremony for launching the first tactical nuclear attack submarine named Hero Kim Kun Ok, one of the core means of underwater attack.  

Under the Leadership of Great Brilliant Commander: DPRK

 On January 28, the naval force successfully conducted test-firing of newly-developed submarine-launched strategic cruise missile Pulhwasal-3-31.

 It marked an occasion for displaying the rapid development of naval force of the Korean People’s Army.












