Zarif says timing of Iran terror attack, Warsaw meeting ‘no coincidence’

Zarif says timing of Iran terror attack, Warsaw meeting ‘no coincidence’
News code : ۷۲۷۸۲۰

Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif said it is no coincidence that last night’s terrorist attack in southeastern Sistan and Baluchistan province occurred on the same day that ‘Warsaw Circus’ began.

 “Is it no coincidence that Iran is hit by terror on the very day that #WarsawCircus begins? Especially when cohorts of same terrorists cheer it from Warsaw streets & support it with twitter bots? US seems to always make the same wrong choices, but expect different results,” wrote Iranian Foreing Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a tweet Wednesday night, minutes after a terrorist attack in Sistan and Baluchistan province claimed the lives of 27 people and injured dozens of others in southeastern Iran.

The suicide attack targeted a bus carrying Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps personnel. The so-called Jaish ul-Adl terror group, which is based across the border in Pakistan and is responsible for kidnapping Iranian border guards and carrying out other terrorist attacks of this kind in Zahedan over the past years, has claimed responsibility for the Wednesday night's terrorist attack on social media.

Zarif followed the tweet with another one in reaction to a tweet by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who wrote that the Warsaw meeting was an attempt to bring representatives of Arab countries together with Israel “in order to advance the common interest of war with Iran.”

“We've always known Netanyahu's illusions. Now, the world - and those attending #WarsawCircus - know, too,” wrote Zarif in his tweet, which had a screenshot of the Israeli PM’s tweet attached to it.

Netanyahu’s tweet was removed from his page a few hours after it was posted.

