Application of vases in interior decoration

Application of vases in interior decoration
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These days, the use of vases in modern interior decoration has become very common and is becoming more and more popular. Perhaps because flowers and pots not only make the environment more attractive and lively, but also play an important role in health and the elimination of environmental pollution

Besides, did you know that being next to flower pots helps you breathe easier? The flowers act exactly like an air filter and improve air quality.Herbs also have a great effect on reducing daily stress and anxiety. Using pots around us makes us feel relaxed because it lowers human blood pressure and increases productivity. This also leads to increased concentration in memory and creativity. In general, the use of vases in interior decoration has several advantages, the most important of which we are going to examine here

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Surrounding analysis

The first step in adding a vase to a decoration is to analyze the space to gain a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of a room. In other words, you have to choose the best place to place the vase, which, while beautiful, harmonizes well with the other accessories of the environment. To find the best spot, walk around the room and look at the environment from different angles

Avoid crowding the environment

Do not clutter your surroundings and have an open plan for fresh air flow and better breathing. Do not forget that one of the beauty secrets in interior decoration is to use all the accessories and accessories in a sufficient and principled way. So do not think that by adding too many decorative accessories you can increase the beauty of the space. In the meantime, in order for the vase to have more effect in the decoration, in addition to using it in large quantities, avoid placing the vase in crowded areas

Use large pots

If you want to emphasize a certain part of the home space, such as the corner of the living room or living room, and at the same time avoid crowded space, using a large vase is a great and suitable option. The charm of large pots is that they attract all the attention well and you can use them to distract attention from the weaknesses of the environment

For example, if you want the living room corner or the living space to stand out more, a unique tall earthenware vase is an attractive offer for this space. A vase with a traditional and unique design that creates a special beauty in the reception corner. You do not need to put natural or artificial flowers in this pot. The unique tall earthenware vase alone attracts everyone's attention and makes the space more beautiful than before

Application of vases in interior decoration

Use small pots

Small pots are suitable for indoor space and because of their versatility and the small space they occupy; They can be placed anywhere in the house. Vases in decoration are not limited to the use of large vases or to place flowers in it

You can choose a vase with a traditional design and small dimensions and place it on the TV table, closet next to the bed or on the dining table. If you have a house with a traditional design, an attractive offer for your home is an abandoned earthenware vase or a Nora earthenware vase. Pots with small and compact dimensions that are painted with Iranian and Islamic designs and its attractive designs are really captivating and special

Use the pot in the pot

Luxurious decorative vases play an important role in the beauty of the environment and interior decoration; But plants are not usually planted directly in them. Because the plant needs a bed in which water does not stagnate and there is no drainage hole in the bottom of these pots, and therefore retains water, which eventually causes the roots of plants to rot. To solve this problem, you can put a plastic or ordinary vase in a luxury and decorative vase. By doing this, you will give a beautiful effect to the environment and the plant will be protected from any damage

If you also like to place the flowers of Absolute censorship in the corner of the TV table and next to the reception curtain, you can make the atmosphere a little more attractive. In most cases, placing sancevieria flowers in earthenware pots with neutral colors is a better and more beautiful option. You too can plant this attractive flower in Hannah's earthenware vase

Also, if you want the flowers to show themselves taller than they are, using a Sam vase stand with Iranian design and attractive and traditional designs is a unique and special option.

Application of vases in interior decoration

Use heavy pots

You can also count on heavy pots to use vases in home decoration. Heavy pots, usually made of pottery, stone or ceramic, are best used for tall plants, as they help maintain a balance in their center of gravity

For this reason, you can also align the tall bamboo branches with the classic home decoration and give an attractive harmony to the space. For example, placing bamboo flowers with long stems in an earthenware vase of life is truly unique and special. The green and earthy color of the vase along with the green color of the bamboo, and the height of the flower and the vase, create a beautiful harmony. They also find a certain harmony with each other while being simple.











