Zionist regime furious at Iran-US deal

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​The Zionist regime’s former and current officials have expressed fury over a recent prisoner swap deal between Iran and the United States, which also calls for the release of several billions of dollars of Iranian frozen funds.

Tehran and Washington announced their agreement on August 10 following indirect talks. In a statement, the Iranian Foreign Ministry confirmed the deal, saying that Iran’s assets blocked in South Korea due to US sanctions will be unfrozen.

On Saturday, the office of the Zionist regime’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued its own statement, criticizing the Tehran-Washington agreement.

Israel’s position is known, according to which arrangements that do not dismantle Iran’s nuclear infrastructure will not stop its nuclear program and will only provide it with funds that will go to Iran, Israeli media reported Netanyahu’s office as saying.

Amos Yadlin, who is a former Zionist military general, has expressed dissatisfaction with the US-Iran deal as well. He has said that the agreement was reached without Tehran giving concessions to Washington.  
