Ex-Iranian diplomats release statement on new US administration

Ex-Iranian diplomats release statement on new US administration
News code : ۱۰۲۸۰۵۷

Some 41 former diplomats in a statement elaborated on the recent US elections and election of Joe Biden as president of the United States.

Joe Biden started his work as the 46th US president and rejoining Iran nuclear deal known as Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has been on his agenda, the statement reads.

Despite US' violation of commitments and impracticality of Europe with regard to JCPOA commitments over the last three years and by considering the fact that some people in Iran are still critical of the JCPOA, Iran has been loyal to international commitments and has been committed to JCPOA articles. 

If the US administration is willing to take trust-building and positive steps toward Iran, it should know that returning JCPOA will exactly start from the point Trump administration pulled out of the deal and breached JCPOA commitments.

As the US has been one of the founders of JCPOA and the agreement has been approved by UNSCR2231 and in fact JCPOA is an inalienable part of UNSCR 2231, based on articles 25 of the UN Charter, US is committed to full implementation of JCPOA commitments.

While, former US administration not only violated JCPOA but invited other parties to violate the deal, Iran has been committed.  

Biden administration is fully aware of the fact that reviving sanctions imposed by former US administration will deprive Iranians of their rights.

Due to its various crimes against humanity and extensive and systematic violation of human rights , imposing cruel sanctions namely with regard to food and drug for Iranians, promoting and supporting state terrorism and explicit confession to assassination of Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani, Trump administration should be punished.   

Iran with its more power in defensive and advanced technology fields compared with those of 2016 will not accept raining issues irrelevant to JCPOA and will not let opening negotiations on new topics.

Iranian diplomats believe that if the US stops its animosity against Iran, new situation will be provided for reducing tensions in the region.

They also believe that negotiations and understanding have always been a suitable diplomatic tool for achieving legitimate aims in line with establishing peace, stability and security in the region.

