The nature of the discovery of mass graves in Gaza

News code : ۱۴۸۰۹۱۰

Majid Safataj, an analyst of Palestinian issues, has said that all the signs practically indicate that the Zionists committed crimes against humanity and even genocide in Gaza.

"The issue of the massacare of Palestinians by Israel is not a new phenomenon and existed before the announcement of the establishment of Israel in 1948, since the nature of the creation of Israel and the Zionist regime was based on the killing of the indigenous people of this land, and with the support of England and the formation of Israel, this process has become faster," Safataj wrote in an article for ILNA.

He added that, "Since October 7th, Israel's policy has been based on the killing of Palestinians, and they have announced that Hamas must be destroyed in any way possible. The fact that mass graves have been discovered in Gaza and even around medical centers in the past few weeks shows that Israel's crimes are actually being exposed."

"The International Criminal Court can follow up such crimes and we should wait for this action from this international judicial authority," he concluded.




